Links (to Formatting)
Markdown format Github-flavoured Markdown syntax with a few variations and additions.
List Formatting
- Sidebar I am bold
- Note List I am not bold
Paragraphs are separated by a blank line. Text attributes italic, bold and monospace
are supported. You can create bullet lists:
- apples
- oranges
- pears
Or numbered lists:
- wash
- rinse
- repeat
Horizontal Line is (***)
Programming Language🔗
Any new application or plugin should be done using TypeScript.
For web publishing, please use WebPack.
For UI, we use React/Redux. Make sure you use React Hooks when creating new components.
For styling, we use SASS.
In general, all applications share the same back-end written in TypeScript or JavaScript (Node.js), with Redux for state management. The back-end runs locally.
The desktop GUI, as listed on the Joplin’s website is done using Electron and React.
The mobile app is done using React Native.